Life On Hurlock

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Egg Drop Winner!

DILLON WON!  Not only did the egg not break, but he received an award for the Most Unusual!  WOW!  Great job Dillon (and Todd too!)!!!

The Nerf Bomb!

For the Science Club, Dillon had to make a contraption that would keep an egg from breaking at 15 feet.  He and Todd created the "NERF BOMB"!  It is two sponges held together with rubber bands and with nerf darts attached all over the whole thing.  They tested it at the hotel and it kept the egg from breaking!  Great work scientists!  

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Superman... Rescue!

After the pictures of the boots were almost done, Oscar said his new favorite phrase, "Superman...Rescue!" and took off "flying" around the house in his new boots!  Here he is running around and doing his Superman imitation!  Where this came from, I have no idea.  But if you ask him, he is Superman!

New Boots

Oscar got new snow boots for winter.  Although this would typically not be a big deal, it was for him.  He DID NOT want them - because there were no lights or anything cool on them.  Why would he want plain shoes?!?  Then we explained they were for playing in snow.  Let's just say he has not taken them off yet!  He even wanted to model them for Aunt Lori and for Nana on the blog!  Here he is saying "Cheese"!