Life On Hurlock

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Treats!

Dillon went with Michael out in the new neighborhood for the first time for Halloween trick or treating. Their goal was to hit every house in the 2 hours, and they hit not only our neighborhood, but most of the adjoining one! Dillon had a homework assignment to count the number of pieces of candy and then tell about what he liked or didn't like. He counted 562!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Oh boy! Here we go...crawling has begun!

Wow! I can't hardly believe it, but Oscar has gone from pushing up on his hands and rolling all over the floor, to now pushing up on his knees as well! Crawling is next, whenever he decides to try to move forward! He is already crawling or scooting backward and also doing a belly-flop forward to get things he wants. As I have said before... Oh no! Mobility! Yikes!!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Parade

Dillon and all of his friends from the neighborhood had a Halloween Parade today. They got to follow a fire truck through the neighborhood and have a party afterwards. Dillon wore his Spooky Jester costume. It was a nice day for it and it looks like they all had a good time! Oscar was a little under the weather, so no "Wonder Bread" today!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My big 7 year old!

Dillon had his big 7th birthday this week and had a real ball. It was a big week in general - he has advanced in Karate to complete his second Kata and is working on his third. Once he completes that, he can be tested and get his yellow belt! He does a great job in Karate and really loves it! He just finished up soccer this weekend. He was on a team with 1st and 2nd graders that Michael helped coach. He seemed to have fun, but wasn't as in to it this year. The 2nd graders were a little more aggressive than the 1st graders, so he got out there and ran around, but didn't enjoy it as much as last year. Basketball starts for him in the next week or so, and he is ready to go for that! He and "Coach Fox" (as Michael will now be refered to for the season) have been practicing. We are going to get his high-tops next weekend. Big time!
He also had the "Back to School Bash" this week and got to see classmates and teachers at their 9 week celebration. He told me how much he likes his teacher, Mrs. K, and how much he likes school. He is reading like crazy and doing a great job on weekly spelling tests. Math has always been easy for him, so that is a breeze. He is reading chapter books to me at night for homework and enjoying the challenge of the longer books.
He is still a PS2 fanatic. He recently got Lego Star Wars II for PS2 and also got the guide that goes with it, so now I am playing it with him... or rather reading the book and hints to him as he plays. It is a fun way for us to enjoy it together, considering I am so bad at PS2! Why can't they just bring Atari back? I use to rock at Ms. Pac-man!!! Dillon got the Lego game as a reward for learning to ride his bike with no training wheels. He is still a bit tentative about it, but does a great job when he gets going. He got a new bike for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa, so that should be some incentive to get pedalling too. It is a red Mongoose bike, and everyone who has seen it says, "Oh man! That's what I wanted when I was a kid!"
Dillon is great with Oscar. I know the crying gets on his nerves when Oscar gets fussy (I know because he reminds me of it every time!), but he plays with him and entertains him. Oscar is just fascinated with Dillon and just worships him. I can put him in the exersaucer near Dillon when he is playing PS2 and Oscar is completely satisfied to just watch him and chatter at him. Dillon thinks it's funny to have him cooing and babbling at him. I keep telling him to just wait until he is doing more than rolling and gets mobile, but Dillon just raises an eyebrow at me and gives me "the look"!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Oscar is 6 months old!

Oscar turned 6 months old this week! Wow! Where did the time go? I guess between the late night bottles and dirty diapers it creeps up on you!!! He had his check-up on Friday and was 16lbs, 1oz. and 26 3/4 inches... just a peanut! He is such a smiley, happy baby. Very flirty and social, as you can tell by the pictures. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, just like his Daddy. Other than being a drooling monster, he is talking constantly... we can't wait to understand what he is saying! I think he has solved all of the world's problems by now with all of that chatter!!! He is rolling all over as his favorite means of transportation, although we were warned that crawling is not far away. OH NO... MOBILITY! We will REALLY be in trouble then!

Dillon's 7th Birthday Party!

Wow, can you believe that Dillon is 7! What a costume! He is an "Evil Jester"! And he helped choose Oscar's costume, which was "Wonder Bread"! We met at Ben and Ari's for food, games and presents! Dillon had the kids from the neighborhood, his school, his basketball team and his cousins there. It was a great turn-out and we all had a blast!

Apple Orchard

Friday, October 06, 2006

"But I really want to feed myself!!!"

Oscar grabbed the spoon at breakfast today and decided he could do it better himself! I guess that's what bibs are for!!!

Story time

Dillon was reading to Oscar for his homework this week. As you can see, Oscar was totally inthralled by his big brother!