Life On Hurlock

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Entertainment Center

Ryan, our next door neighbor, designed and created this entertainment center for us. Isn't it beautiful!!! The pictures don't even do it justice. It is really stunning.
Michael asked what to do with the TV trays now that they didn't have the side TV's on them.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Big Boy Bed!

Papa brought over a real big boy bed for Oscar last week. We put it up and he got right in and thought it was great! He would not let Dillon (Deeny) get in his new bed with him though... too funny! Now if we can just get him to sleep the whole night through and not wake up and try to come in our room, we will be all set!

Monday, March 10, 2008

High Chair? What high chair?

As you can tell, the high chair is lonely and unused.

Oscar has decided he is a big boy like Dillon and wants to sit at the counter to have his snacks and meals. He thinks he is big stuff! He doesn't even want to use the booster next to him, but just a chair like his "Deeny"!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Oscar's bedtime

Cheese! Oscar is now in the habit of reading books to us at night, instead of the other way around! He was telling us the story, so I told him to "say cheese" and he took out his Mimi and gave a silly smile.

Big Boy Bed?!?

We got an inflatable bed for Oscar when he goes to Florida. So we thought maybe he would like to try it out for a few nights at home. He loved Elmo and playing on it, but when it was time to really go to sleep, he wanted back in his crib. He and his brother had fun playing though! (check out the spiderman jammies... pretty cool!)

Dillon - All dressed up!

Here are pictures of Dillon around the Holidays. He was all dressed up for school, so we took a couple of pictures to show off our big guy!
What a cutie!