Thanks Aunt Lori & Uncle Keving for my cool, new outfit! As you can tell, I really like it! The smiley faces on the feet are funny... and on my bottom is says, "LIFE IS GOOD!"
Oscar got to meet his cousin Heather for the first time in Florida. He thought having another little kid around was REALLY COOL! They played and had fun while we watched the Colts game on Saturday. Oscar can't wait to see Heather in April and see how much she has grown too!
Oscar and I took a walk every morning in Florida. But I also put him back in the stroller to go out on the golf course and night and watch Daddy and Dillon hit golf balls. Oscar thought that was pretty funny!
Oscar and Nana had their morning routine in Florida. They got up early and watched the ground's crew mow grass and take care of the golf course. Oscar was waiving to all of them by the end of the week, and to the early morning golfers too.
On January 1st we all traveled to Florida to celebrate Christmas with Nana and Granco. We had a great time playing with them... and as you can see, Oscar had become so proficient at opening presents that he decided to help his big brother!