Life On Hurlock

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Is this Lori's Kid?!?

Oscar finished eating today and during the last few bites of oatmeal fell asleep. In the one picture you can still see the oatmeal hanging from his mouth! Does this remind us of anyone? Lori when she was little? I guess this proves I did have something to do with this kid and it is not just Michael Junior!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Are you ready for some Football?!?

Oscar is all ready for the big game tonight! You can tell who he is rooting for!

"I really want to hold my own bottle!"

Oscar is really trying to hold the bottle all by himself. The problem is finding his mouth when he does it! Such a big guy!!!

Let Me Entertain You!

Dillon was enlisted to help entertain Oscar today while Mom went to the store. As I understand it, there was singing, dancing and a lot of baby-talk involved. It looks like it worked!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

World's Smallest Poker Player?

I took this picture of Oscar as he watched the World Series of Poker on TV. He was studying the TV and totally into watching poker. I guess this apple didn't fall far from the tree! Watch out... he may be at a poker table near you soon. Well, I guess he needs to be able to sit up first!!!

Joe Cool...

Oscar borrowed his cousin Cara's sunglasses, but couldn't pull off the "Joe Cool" look. Could it be because they were girly sunglasses covered with flowers and fruit?!? Maybe some macho sunglasses will work better!

"Worm Man"!

Over the long weekend we went to Bruce and Steph's house in Ft. Wayne. Dillon LOVED their pond out back! The fish practically jumped onto his hook! He called himself "Worm Man" and was in charge of putting worms on everyone's hooks! He even touched the fish he caught! It was a great time!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oscar's New Toy

Oscar got a new toy today. He was so excited to be in it and standing up, it was hard to get his attention to do the required "Mommy pictures"!

Dillon's 1st Soccer Game

Dillon played in his first soccer game last Saturday. He winked at me while he was waiting to go in... what a ham! There should be more action shots next time. Hopefully it won't be quite as hot then and I can get some good shots of him being our little soccer stud!